
财富 . 自由

Name: Wallich Residence Developer: GuocoLand 国浩房地产 Type: Residential Highrise Top: TOP Obtained Tenure: 99 Years Location: D02 - Chinatown / Tanjong Pagar Units: 181 DESCRIPTION/AMENITIES Guoco Tower is a unique 5-in-1 integrated landmark development located in the heart of Singapore’s Central Business District, linked to and atop Tanjong Pagar MRT station. It integrates Grade A office space, 181 prestigious homes at Wallich Residence, dedicated retail and F&B space, a five-star business hotel designed for privileged experiences, and Singapore’s first double storey urban park. World-renowned Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, the same visionaries who created some of the tallest mixed-use buildings in the world, designed this stunning 290 metres iconic building. Amenities MRT - Integrated with EW 15 Tanjong Pagar MRT AMENITIES NEARBY: Icon Village Raffles Place Marina Bay Sands Marina Bay Financial Centre Singapore Flyer Gardens by the Bay Clarke Quay SCHOOLS Fairfield Methodist Church Kindergarten PCF Tanjong Pagar Cantonment Primary School CHIJ Kellock (Primary) Outram Secondary School Facilities MAIN LOBBY/CONCIERGE Residents' lounge SOCIAL 180 Bask - Cabanas Grill - BBQ Laze - Sky Garden Perch - Upper Viewing Deck Pump - Gym Relax - Jacuzzi Relish 1 & 2 - Casual Dining Room Splash - Infinity Pool Wade - Dipping Pool CLOUD 220 Connect - Networking Suite Read - Library Watch - Theatrette North Gaze - Sky Garden The Wallich Room - Gourmet Dining Room APEX Airdecks - Glass Cantilevered Balconies Located on Wallich Street, Wallich Residence bears the name of distinguished Danish surgeon and botanist Dr. Nathaniel Wallich, whose own legacy has contributed substantially to Singapore’s reputation as a Garden City. Wallich’s passion for the region’s rich flora and fauna gave rise to the Botanic and Experimental Garden in 1822, the forerunner to the Singapore Botanic Gardens, today a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Wallich Residence occupies the highest floors of Guoco Tower, an ambitious vertical city that comprises a dynamic mix of commercial, residential, retail, hotel and urban park components. Rising directly above Tanjong Pagar MRT station, this new global icon is set to position Tanjong Pagar as the premier business and lifestyle district in the CBD. 华利世家 华利世家(Wallich Residence )是由国浩集团开发的一个垂直城市,高达290米,新加坡的最高楼及未来核心地标。 华利世家新加坡豪华公寓坐落在丹戎巴葛中心,一个雄心勃勃的新兴城市,这将是丹戎巴葛区的焦点的顶峰。 集成开发甲级写字楼,5星级商务酒店,1万平各种零售和餐饮商铺,以及郁郁葱葱的城市公园。 城市公园可以方便地前往市中心绿地和公园网络,同时游客还可以享受其中发现的餐饮店。 与公园一体化的设计使之成为聚会和娱乐的焦点,或者成为32,000平方英尺的展览和活动公民空间。 具有里程碑意义的发展领域,丹戎巴葛中心将成为CBD的新的心跳。凭借其动感的商业,零售及住宅元素的搭配,丹戎巴葛中心将改造此区域为连接CBD与滨海新城的繁华中心。 新加坡,国际化大都市 作为亚洲新中心,新加坡拥有高端的生活品质、理想的工作 环境,多元化和国际化的社会氛围,国家安全、政治稳定、现代化经济生机勃勃。新加坡将东方传统与西方视角完美 融合,在这里,文明、历史与创新、发展水乳交融。雄踞全球最具投资潜力城市榜首* 和全球最宜居城市之一**的新加坡,以其重要的战略地理位置和全球顶级的金融、医疗、交通、物流基础设施水准,成为国际商业、旅游中心。 此外,新加坡还享有“亚洲美食之都”的美誉。著名的米其林指南将于2016年推出新加坡第一份米其林星级餐厅名单。作为亚洲的门户,新加坡在商业、生活和文化领域的领导地位 ,从未曾动摇。 深厚的历史底蕴 华利世家坐落于丹戎巴葛(Tanjong Pagar)核心区域。 该区保有深厚历史文化底蕴,如今更进一步成长为新加坡中央商业区(CBD)不可分割的一部分。丹戎巴葛在新加坡政治史中地位举足轻重,新加坡国父李光耀从政之路便始于该选区。丹戎巴葛作为新加坡政府公报的第一个文物保护区,现进一步融入了文化、零售、住宅项目等现代元素。华利世家坐拥 丹戎巴葛核心区域,必将见证这令人惊叹的时代变革。 要永久,唯变化 本地政府正致力于新加坡迄今为止最令人振奋的土地翻新规划其中丹戎巴葛意义尤为突出。翻新后,附近现有的交通枢纽和港口地区将腾空土地近1,000公顷,这将为新加坡下一个濒水市区 南部濒水市区的广阔未来,提供无限机遇。中央商业区与延绵30公里的滨海步道将实现无缝连接,全新的濒水新区将为本地带来生活、工作、娱乐的崭新机遇,实现社区融合,促进该区域的发展与转型。坐拥该地区黄金地段的丹戎巴葛中心,必将成为此濒水市区的门户和新加坡保持持续增长和繁荣的要道。 引领中央商业区生活潮流 华利世家坐落于丹戎巴葛,尽享其带来的无限工作、生活、娱乐机遇。该地区 已聚集的大型机构与公司包括新加坡金融管理局、证券投资者协会(新加坡)、 新加坡政府投资公司、麦士威会堂等。这不仅吸引其他同级别跨国公司 来此办公,同时也对那些想加入这一精英地域的小公司具有非凡的吸引力 。相较中央商业区其他位置,丹戎巴葛人口居住区更为广阔。约有住宅单位8,600间, 居民32,500人。得益于稳定、庞大的人口基数,该地区生机勃勃,即使在下班之余 抑或周末时段,仍然繁华热闹。丹戎巴葛周边地区也尽为休闲娱乐好去处。毗邻的 达士敦山、安详山、柏城街均聚集了各类流行酒吧、餐厅、咖啡馆;其他名胜如 红点设计博物馆将带领游客领略国际设计的最新潮流。该地区四通八达、出行便利,经滨海高速(Marina Coastal Expressway)、亚逸拉惹高速(Ayer Rajah Expressway)等主要高速公路可方便抵达城市各处。距樟宜机场16分钟车程,距滨海湾和乌节路仅4分钟和8分钟车程。华利世家居民还可直接乘坐地铁,丹戎巴葛地铁站就位于丹戎巴葛中心下方。以上众多优势将促使中央商业区中心就此转移 丹戎巴葛必将成为中央商业区的新中心。 历史传承 位于华利街的华利世家,得名于丹麦杰出外科医师、植物学家Nathaniel Wallich,他的杰出贡献使新加坡获得“花园城市”的美誉。Wallich医生及其好友Sir Stamford Raffles(现代新加坡创始人) 对新加坡地区丰富的动植物群怀有浓厚兴趣。1822年,两人更是建立“植物实验园”,即新加坡植物园前身,该园被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产目录。华利世家的设计理念充分秉承Wallich医生对植物及自然的热爱, 并将植物主题融入公共区域和景观之中。该项目中有多种植物引自Wallich医生的植物实验园。工作人员制服也包含同一主题的设计元素。 作为Wallich理念的坚守者,华利世家彰显出自然和环境在建造世界最著名绿色都市中的重要作用。 站在可持续发展的前沿 华利世家坚守自然、 环境可持续发展至上的设计理念,已跻身 未来绿色建筑之列。丹戎巴葛中心获得新加坡建设局(BCA)绿色建筑标志(白金)奖,和能源与环境设计认证(LEED)CS金 预认证。华利世家更是获得(BCA)绿色建筑标志(超金)奖。华利世家将古老丹戎巴葛公园的现有绿色植物纳入其中,为此地的办公人士和居民提供了舒适的环境。

ABOUT US Development: Le Nouvel Ardmore Developer: Wing Tai Asia Architect: Ateliers Jean Nouvel Tenure: FREEHOLD Number of block: 1 Tower TOP: 2014 Number of Units: 43 Number of storey: 33 A freehold luxury development with only two apartments per floor across a single 33-storey tower and crowned by a single Penthouse – 43 immaculate residences, each with its own private lift, offer luxurious space, privacy and exclusivity. Complemented with unblocked views of the Good Class Bungalow neighbourhood in Nassim, and overlooking the surrounding Ardmore and Claymore districts. OUR COMMUNITY Le Nouvel Ardmore - Ardmore Park is a stone throw away, within short walking distance to prestigious Tanglin and American clubs and renowned schools and instituition such as Raffles Girls Secondary and Anglo Chinese School. A location of lifestyle and prestige, Le Nouvel Ardmore is set within the affluent Ardmore park disctrict for the discerning few. A short drive to Marina Bay, the Central business district and Marina bay Sands hotel, shppes Garden. Ardmore park location offers the conveniences of Orchard Shopping belts with extensive retails, dining and entertainment options. UNESCO world Heritage site, the Singapore Botanic Garden is within easy reach. ​ SPACES Luxuriously sized for the discerning few...An abode in it's own class... Le Nouvel Ardmore A distinctive façade coupled with its strategic location, Le Nouvel Ardmore is dynamic by design. Its exclusive address at 1A Ardmore Park offers accessibility yet at the same time, is both tranquil and private. Living at Le Nouvel Ardmore is a rare privilege, one that showcases sophistication in lifestyle and appreciation of design. MEMBERSHIP Comes with the following Concierge Security Barbeque, Gourmet Alfresco Dining Swimming Pool, Sky Pool & Jacuzzis GYMnasium 大奢至简 大隐于世 嘉峰豪庭( Le Nouvel Ardmore )傲立于新加坡阿摩园 1A 号,社会名流聚居的高尚地段,仅设有 43 套限量华宅的永久地契开发项目,建筑设计由 2008 年普利兹克建筑奖得主让 · 努维尔( Jeon Nouvel )亲自操刀;这座 33 层的摩天大楼精致挺拔、极具优雅气质,“因地制宜”缔造耀眼地标,拥有至高的艺术修为,写意新加坡臻稀罕见的城市孤本。 藏于城市精华处,嘉峰豪庭每套华宅都配备专属的私人电梯,在这个城市最令人垂涎的地方提供极致奢华的生活方式,距离新加坡市中心乌节路仅一步之遥,俯瞰新加坡著名的“优质洋房高档别墅区”纳新和克雷摩园的低密度至美风光,生活于充满激情的城市,又仿佛置身于静谧苍翠的隐居世界;更有无微不至的星级礼宾服务、私人空中餐厅和精细的室内装修,至臻华宅,精雕细琢,彰显居住的奢华魅力,完美诊释新加坡首席豪宅的典范。 1A ARDMORE PARK 地契 永久地契 邮区 第10邮区 总户数 43套 户型 4卧房大平层/复式,顶层豪宅 套内面积 352-1,289平方米 车位 1户3个车位 交房日期 现房 设计师团队 星级大师 —— 让 · 努维尔 (Jean Nouvel) 2008年普利茨克建筑奖得主,并屡获国际殊荣 其代表性优秀作品阿拉巴世界研究所,巴黎卡地亚当代艺术中心和阿布扎比卢浮宫皆为现代建筑设计的突破性发展和别树一帜的耀眼地标。 作为国际最具创意的建筑师之一,让 · 努维尔以其独特的设计理念而闻名于世,他的设计从不流于既定模式,但在他设计中往往能窥见含蓄的连续性,绵延不绝地呈现透明感,光与影的微妙相互影响。 嘉峰豪庭是由法国著名建筑师让 · 努维尔、法国著名灯光师赫维 · 德斯科特、日本著名室内设计师池渕孝一郎和Sitetectonix精心合作而成的永恒臻品。 L'Observatoire International公司创办人之一及首席灯光设计师赫维 · 德斯科特以其独特的灯光设计营造和谐的空间感而闻名于世,于2003年荣获美国建筑师协会颁授Award for Collaborative Achievement in Design奖项。 著名室内设计师 —— 池渕孝一郎,其设计特点以室内与建筑交相辉映以及生活与自然的完美融合而闻名。池渕孝一郎荣获2009年新加坡总统设计奖。 Sitetectonix是一家拥有20多年建筑景观设计经验的景观顾问公司,善结合利用自然环境、贯穿水流和融合青山绿水以达到建筑与大自然融为一体的生活体验。 休闲设施 1楼设施 *会所 *儿童游乐区 *倒影池 *附加户外宴会区 *阅读区 *生态池 *50米健身泳池 *网球场 *礼宾前台 *水疗按摩椅 *造型艺术墙 *抵达厅 *儿童泳池 *特色水景墙 26-27楼设施 *服务吧台 *SPA套间 *休憩厅 *空中泳池 *按摩池 *观景电梯通往27楼空中餐厅及休憩区 *休闲区 *浴室及湿蒸房 *观景电梯 *健身房 *化妆间 *空中餐厅 *瑜伽及普拉提练习区 周边介绍 纯美地点 峰豪庭沉浸在历史的美感中,这一切体现在著名的香格里拉大酒店、来福士女子学校以及世界级的新加坡岛屿乡村俱乐部。 闹市静宅 嘉峰豪庭距离新加坡植物园和良木山仅几分钟车程,使居住其中的人既生活于充满激情的城市,又仿佛置身于静谧苍翠的隐居世界。 全球十大最贵街道之一 全球十大最贵街道,新加坡阿摩园为亚洲第二个上榜街道。 闹中取静 邻近繁华的购物天堂乌节路,也闹中取静,周边被层层绿化包围,这条街道的住宅项目一直非常受高净值人士欢迎。 购房流程 现房 已完成的开发项目(已获得临时占用许可证的开发项目)购买程序 购买状况 (款项) <付款时限> 向开发商支付定金,签订购房意向书 (总房款的5%) <当天> 买方签订购房合同,支付购房款项 (总房款的15%) <签订购房意向书14天内> 买方支付房款余额 (总房款的80%) <支付购房款项日起八个星期内> 注:买房从签署买卖合同(正式购房合同)后的14天内缴纳买方印花税 需要了解更详细资料或其他新房,欢迎来电☎️ 联系人:Emily Yu | 余艺 <会中英文> 联系电话 | Mobile: +65 9090 3698 A freehold luxury development with only two apartments per floor across a single 33-storey tower and crowned by a single Penthouse – 43 immaculate residences, each with its own private lift, offer luxurious space, privacy and exclusivity. Complemented with unblocked views of the Good Class Bungalow neighbourhood in Nassim, and overlooking the surrounding Ardmore and Claymore districts. A distinctive façade coupled with its strategic location, Le Nouvel Ardmore is dynamic by design. Its exclusive address at 1A Ardmore Park offers accessibility yet at the same time, is both tranquil and private. Living at Le Nouvel Ardmore is a rare privilege, one that showcases sophistication in lifestyle and appreciation of design.

KEY POINTS Developer: Summervale Properties Pte Ltd Type: Residential Highrise Total Units: 156 Top: 31 Dec 2014 Address: 16 & 18 Anderson Road Location: D10 - Tanglin / Holland Country: Singapore Tenure: Freehold Site Area: 10414.20 sqm / 112098.45 sqft Plot Ratio: 2.8 DESCRIPTION/AMENITIES Description: Proposed condominium development comprising 2 blocks of 36 storey towers accommodating a total of 156 units. The development is designed with sky gardens, recreational facilities with clubhouse and 2 levels of car park, including 1 basement car park No. Of Car Park Lots: Approximately 246 lots including 8 handicapped lots FACILITIES: GROUND LEVEL Guard House Arrival Lobby Swimming Pool Kid's Pool Pool Deck Jacuzzi BBQ Pit The Club ​ Indoor / Outdoor Gourmet Dining Screening Room Changing Rooms Children's Playground Tennis Court Tiered Seating Green Lawn Glass Lift SKY TERRACES Block 16 ​ Level 14 ​ Aqua Veranda Block 18 ​ Level 10 ​ Forest Conservatory Level 11 ​ Fitness Arena Therapeutic Patio Level 14 ​ Wellness Terrace Gourmet Pavilion Level 19 ​ Sky Botanique Level 24 ​ Mediation Garden NEARBY: Adequately served by PIE, CTE and Stevers Road Easy access to City Area Proximity to Orchard and Newton MRT Station Neighbor to one of Singapore's top Secondary School - Raffles Girls' Secondary School and close proximity to Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) and Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School Near to recreational clubs such as The Pines Club, The American Club, Tanglin Golf Course, Europa Country Club Resort and Singapore Civil Service Golf Club. Walking distance to Singapore main shopping district - Orchard Road

  •  2022-03-08 17:07

房产总汇是包揽所有新加坡的新盘的汇集,按照区域1 -28 的顺序。每天都有更新,需要最新消息的朋友请直接和我拿最新总汇。谢谢

  •  2021-12-16 01:01
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(早报讯)新加坡政府于周三(2021年12月15日)深夜宣布推出新一轮房地产降温措施。 额外买方印花税调高5至15个百分点。

  •  2021-10-04 22:08
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2021 -2022 将推出的新盘

  •  2021-01-26 23:06
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项目视频大汇集 Project Virtual Tours Links

  •  2020-06-29 16:54
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新加坡豪宅汇集 特定为你的需要而选择

  •  2020-06-25 23:30
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新加坡房产大汇集 Singapore Properties 几乎包揽整个新加坡所有在售的新房/盘,链接🔗可以看到最新价格。 Almost include all new launches in Singapore for sale. You can get the latest updated price as well when you click the link 🔗。

  •  2020-06-16 13:57
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  •  2020-05-30 20:11
  • 地点:待定

即将在7月8月推出的新项目 New launches latest tentative timeline to use as a guide Coming in July/Aug 2020





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    Emily Yu | 余艺 <会中英文>
    ( CEA Reg No: R051660D )
    Huttons Asia Pte Ltd (Licence No: L3008899K)
    联系电话 | Mobile: +65 862 413 99
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    先做个自我介绍一下,我是1999年来新加坡留学,因为追求工作灵活性,自由性,在2013年加入房地产事业,2013-2015 年加入了当时新加坡最大的公司ERA, 2015-2017 转到2019年最大的公司Propnex, 2017年4月到现在都在以销售新房出名的Huttons。不过现在做了这么久,发现大都是没有太多灵活性和自由性,工作时间都将就客户去了,没办法。

    作为一名新加坡合格的房屋顾问,我一个人就可以安排看新加坡任何一个房子,没错是任何一个房子。所以你也不用找好几个中介,以为可以货比三家,其实都是一样的,到头来也是到同一个发展商。因为是直接与发展商对接, 所以我是没有收取买方任何中介费。我们都是有政府管控,所以价格和单位都很透明。


    网站的资料不定时在更新,但每一天都有好多房被卖掉,发展商也在不时的调价格。价钱和单位有可能随着时间每分每秒都在更改, 最好是联系我本人给你提供最新资料和信息。因为为了多点时间服务顾客,网站提供的是最简单和最基本的信息。你最好保存以下链接,任何时候都可以看到及时的房产信息。要买房就一定要看房,现在就约起来吧!

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    Emily Yu | 余艺 <会中英文>
    ( CEA Reg No: R051660D )
    Huttons Asia Pte Ltd (Licence No: L3008899K)
    联系电话 | Mobile: +65 862 413 99
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    • 3791 Jalan Bukit Merah, #10-18, E-Centre@Redhill, Singapore 159471


    Privacy Policy


    This External Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) applies to the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Data (hereinafter defined) of its clients/customers by Buypropertyclub.

    1. GENERAL

    This Policy provides information on the obligations and policies of Buypropertyclub in respect of an individual customer’s Personal Data. Buypropertyclub is committed to using reasonable efforts in applying, where practicable, those principles and the processes set out in this Policy to its operations. Please take a moment to read this Policy so that you know and understand the purposes for which we collect, use and disclose your Personal Data.

    Buypropertyclub shall endeavour to respect the confidentiality of and keep safe all Personal Data collected, stored, disclosed and used for, or on behalf of, Buypropertyclub. Buypropertyclub strives to ensure all collection, storage, disclosure and usage of Personal Data by the Organisation and by anyone acting on its behalf shall be done in an appropriate manner and in accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act and this Policy.

    By interacting with us, submitting information to us, or engaging in real estate services offered by us, you agree and consent to Buypropertyclub as well as to its respective representatives, associates and representative (collectively referred to herein as "Buypropertyclub", "us", "we" or "our") collecting, using, disclosing and sharing amongst themselves your Personal Data, and disclosing such Personal Data to Buypropertyclub’ authorised service providers and relevant third parties in the manner set forth in this Policy.

    This Policy supplements but does not supersede nor replace any other consents you may have previously provided to us in respect of your Personal Data, and your consents herein are additional to any rights which we may have at law to collect, use or disclose your Personal Data.

    For the purposes of this Policy, in line with the provisions under the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (No. 26 of 2012) (the “Act”), “Personal Data” shall mean data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified from that data; or from that data and other information to which an organisation has or is likely to have access. Such Personal Data shall also refer to that which is already in the possession of Buypropertyclub or that which shall be collected by Buypropertyclub in the future.


    To the extent that any of the communication means which you have provided us with (which may include your telephone number and email) is/will be listed on the Do Not Call Registry (the “DNC”), by agreeing to this Policy, by any means of indication, you hereby grant Buypropertyclub your clear and unambiguous consent to contact you using all of your communication means you have provided to us including using voice calls, SMS, Whatsapp, MMS, email, fax or other similar communications applications or methods.


    By messaging, auto-fill or contacting us, you are agreed to send your information to Buypropertyclub and agreed to allow us to contact you for your enquiries.


    Buypropertyclub reserves the right to alter any of the clauses contained in this Policy in compliance with local legislation and/or to meet international policy requirements, and for any other purpose deemed reasonably necessary by us. You should look at these terms regularly. If you do not agree to the modified terms, you should inform us as soon as possible of the terms to which you do not consent. Pending such notice, if there is any inconsistency between these terms and the additional terms, the additional terms will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.


    This Policy is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. You hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.






    本政策提供有关Buypropertyclub关于个人客户的个人数据的义务和政策的信息。 Buypropertyclub致力于在可行的情况下尽合理的努力将本政策中规定的原则和流程应用于其运营。请花一点时间阅读本政策,以便您了解和理解我们收集,使用和披露您的个人数据的目的。


    Buypropertyclub应努力尊重和代表Buypropertyclub收集,存储,披露和使用的所有个人数据的机密性和安全性。 Buypropertyclub努力确保本组织以及代表本组织行事的任何人对个人数据的所有收集,存储,披露和使用,均应按照《个人数据保护法》和本政策以适当的方式进行。


    与我们互动,向我们提交信息或从事我们提供的房地产服务,即表示您同意Buypropertyclub以及其各自的代表,合伙人和代表(以下统称为“ Buypropertyclub”,“我们”) (“我们”或“我们的”)之间收集,使用,披露和共享您的个人数据,并以本政策中规定的方式将此类个人数据披露给Buypropertyclub的授权服务提供商和相关第三方。




    就本政策而言,根据《 2012年新加坡个人数据保护法》(2012年第26号)(以下简称“法案”)的规定,“个人数据”是指有关个人的数据,无论是否真实可以从该数据中识别出谁;或来自组织有权或可能有权访问的数据和其他信息。此类个人数据还应指Buypropertyclub拥有的或将来由Buypropertyclub收集的那些。



    通过同意本政策,在以下情况下,您提供给我们的任何通讯方式(可能包括您的电话号码和电子邮件)将被列在“请勿致电注册”(“ DNC”)中:在任何指示方式下,您特此授予Buypropertyclub明确明确的同意,使用您提供给我们的所有通信方式(包括语音呼叫,SMS,Whatsapp,MMS,电子邮件,传真或其他类似的通信应用程序或方法)与您联系。










    The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. Property or Project information is provided to us by developers or compiled from various sources and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability. Images of new launches are often "Artist Impressions", for illustration only and may differ from actual project. Price information, if listed on this web site is subject to change without prior notice and should not be construed as a commitment by any parties involved. The price listed on this web site serves as a guide and reference only. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. If you notice any problems with this website or find inaccuracies in its content we kindly ask you to notify us immediately so that we can rectify these issues. Thank You!

    Copyright: All text, content, codes, graphics, images, photos, formats, design elements, etc. from this site shall NOT be reproduced or copied in any way without the written consent and permission from the agent or .


    本网站上包含的信息仅供参考。房产或项目信息由开发商提供给我们或从各种来源汇编而来,尽管我们努力使信息保持最新和正确,但我们对完整性,准确性,可靠性不做任何明示或暗示的陈述或保证。 ,适用性或可用性。新房产发布的图像通常是“艺术家印象”,仅供说明,可能与实际项目有所不同。价格信息(如果在本网站上列出)如有更改,恕不另行通知,并且不应解释为任何参与方的承诺。本网站上列出的价格仅供参考。因此,您对此类信息的任何依赖均完全由您自担风险。如果您发现本网站有任何问题或内容不正确,请立即通知我们,以便我们纠正这些问题。谢谢!

